Bulma Margin Top


Bulma Margin Top. For a padding bottom use pb. Bulma provides margin m and padding p helpers in all directions.

Pszdli Fuweyam
Pszdli Fuweyam

For a margin top use mt. Its 100 responsive fully modular and available for free. For a padding bottom use pb.

For a padding bottom use pb.

You need to combine a marginpadding prefix with a direction suffix. T for top r for right b for bottom l for left x horizontally for both left and right y vertically for both top and bottom. For a padding bottom use pb. Im using bulma to create a divided page with a fixed navbar but as you can see below title 1 and title 2 wont line up with navbar and title 3 since the container leftright margin is set to auto and therefore goes to 0 in this first section configuration.